stylish blogger award!/1,000 pageviews!
Heyy everyone, you may have noticed that adruju crafts received the stylish blogger award from
Mintas Creations( Julia and I would like to present this award to Jen, from simply chic desighns by jen. visit her blog and you can tell why se deserves this. Not only does she have a nice blog, she also has stylish crafts on her blog too, so Jen , please comment to accept your award , save this picture and put it on your blog. Also Adruju Crafts has received 1,000 page veiws in just about a year! because tommorow I will be posting about adruju crafts 1st Birthday! :) YAY! :)
Thank you everyone!
Thank you ,thank you, thank you... I'm so honored.. Thank you for the wonderful comments.. I really needed something to smile about. My nephew and his wife just lost their baby and she is in labor now.. Its a very sad day for us so thank you so much!!! I will post this as soon as I can... Thanks again...